Bat Rescue 2024: Mission Not Impossible

We wanted to share the latest on our recent bat rescue mission after the freeze in Houston. Your unwavering support and interest in these incredible creatures means the world to us!
Triple Bat

🌟 Rescue Stats: In total, we rescued 2,510 bats from eight locations across Houston. A massive shoutout to our skilled bat team at HHS Wildlife Center and the wonderful members of the public who pitched in with guidance from our wildlife hotline.

😢 Some Heart-Breaking Losses: Unfortunately, 809 bats we collected had already passed before arriving at our center, succumbing to various causes such as hypothermia, head trauma, drowning, and preexisting conditions exacerbated by freezing temperatures. Our dedicated team checked bridges for fallen bats from 5am to 6pm daily, hoping to minimize suffering by collecting frequently. Yet some losses were unavoidable. Sadly, 23 bats were humanely euthanized to end suffering, and 14 were tested for rabies (all negative). Contrary to misconceptions, bats rarely contract rabies. - Bat World Sanctuary shared:

“In reality, bats contract rabies far less than other animals. Less than half of 1% of all bats may contract the disease.”

🩺 Medical Evaluations: Surviving bats underwent thorough examinations, with 30 individuals receiving advanced care for injuries or neurological concerns. Eight of these bats were recently transferred to our fabulous partners at Bat World Sanctuary so our team can attend a national wildlife conference out of state to expand our knowledge, and learn more about how we can improve our processes for future freezes.

🏡 Why Under Bridges: Many may wonder why these bats choose to roost under bridges. Urbanization and deforestation have forced these Mexican free-tailed bats to adapt to city living. Normally roosting in natural structures where they are protected from freezing winds, bridges provide inadequate shelter.

🌿 Insights & Solution: Our team observed a correlation between fallen bats and the absence of plants and soil. This is likely because concrete provides little to no insulation and areas with plants and soil provide natural insulation, a physical barrier to wind, and also a cushioned place to land in case of a fall. We aim to work with local bat experts and the City of Houston to help perform more research and later implement potential solutions to some of these issues.

New Trio

Together, we've given 1,648 bats a second chance at life!

🦸‍♂️ Heroes Among Us: Despite the many challenges, our bat team's dedication shone bright! They released 1,648 bats back into the wild, reuniting them with their colonies. Your donations and social media support were crucial, and the Waugh Bridge Public Bat Release was a heartwarming community effort.

🙏 Our Overflowing Gratitude: Thank you, each and every one of you, for making a difference. Together, we've given 1,648 bats a second chance at life. Your support fuels our passion for wildlife conservation. We could not be more proud of the dedication and hard work from our team. A huge thank you to everybody that donated to help our team fund this rescue mission, all supporters on social media, and everybody in the community that braved the wind and weather to come out to support us at the Waugh Bridge Public Bat Release too.

💙🌎 We could not have done it without you!  🌎💙

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